What's up CCSC'ers? Thanks for tuning in! Here's what our week will look like:
This week is REgroup week! If you haven't had your group meet already, be sure and check in to know the time and place to meet! This week will be our introduction week, so this is the time to really start to get to know your groupmates! Friday night at 7pm, we will meet for Midweek! That is our weekly worship service where we congregate together to hear a powerful message, brought to you by THE Jake Greer, and spend some time in passionate worship. Along with the service, there will be freshly baked cookies to eat! Sunday morning at 9am, be sure to meet us at the Greer's house for some coffee with a devo presented by the one and ONLY Brent Ruple. After our devo, we will walk across the street to West Side CoC to worship with our church family. Sunday afternoon, meet at Craig and Jess Davis' house (238 S Seattle Ave) for free food and conversation. It's a great way to get to know other students and some older church members! This will happen directly after West Side's worship service. A couple of announcements: Be sure to sign up for the float trip by September 13th! That's this Thursday! And that doesn't mean you have to pay the $10.00 quite yet. Just sign up and worry about that later if you need to! We will float the Buffalo with Arkansas State's Wolflife and we will be meeting with the Riverside CoC. Bring some floating clothes and an upbeat spirit! If you would like to get to know some folks from West Side, sign up for Adopt-a-Student. This is a program where a family will "adopt" you and get to know you. I highly recommend being involved with this! It's another great opportunity to mingle with the older generation! Thanks again for tuning in! I hope to see y'all this week! Your friend, Camdyn Ashcraft
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Russellville, AR 72801
(479) 968-2626