Gulf Coast Getaway (GCG) is almost here! You’re about to experience a powerful weekend in the presence of God with over 1,000 other college students! Here’s everything you need to know...
WHEN WE'RE LEAVING Be at the CCSC at 5:00AM Friday, January 18th. WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WAIT ON YOU. Use the buddy system have someone make sure you are awake and make it to the CCSC. Grab breakfast on your way or bring it with you. We can have food on the bus. Drinks however have to be in a container that has a screw top lid. There will be some bottles of water for you at the CCSC. We will only be stopping for lunch! So bring snacks to munch on. Krysta is working on your class excuse letters. We'll get it to those registered ASAP! WHAT TO BRING Here’s what you need to bring:
WHAT TO EXPECT Here’s what you can expect.
NEW THIS YEAR! **RockIt Lanes** The GCG Planning Team has reserved RockIt Lanes, which is across the street from the Edgewater, on Friday night (Jan. 18th) from 11 p.m. until 2 p.m. The first 200 GCG attendees get in free. Any after that will have to pay for admission. We will give you more information later this week! COMING BACK We will leave GCG around 6:00am Monday January 21th. Expect to arrive back at the CCSC around 7:00pm-10:00pm that evening depending on how the drive goes. See you soon!
CCSC blogThis is a great place to learn the latest news related to the CCSC. Past Posts
January 2020
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