I hope everyone's week is off to a great start! I know finals are a comin' and the stress levels are exponentially rising, so we'd like to have you de-stress with us! Here's what we have going:
Wednesday (5/2) is going to be our dead day extraordinaire! We will have the makings for pancakes for the whole day (starting at 9:00 a.m.), a brunch-themed noon meal, and our last Midweek! This Midweek will be abbreviated, so just come for a short word. The speaker is pretty neat too, so I wouldn't want to miss it! (I'm the speaker!) Sunday (5/6) we will have our normal morning church routine. At 9:00 a.m. we will have class at the Greers' house, followed by worship at West Side CoC. Feel free to join us at the Davis' house for the lunch share group after church. The Greer crew had their last group last week. Before I close, I want to thank you for your involvement and dedication to the CCSC! Y'all are what keep the heart beating at the CCSC! It has been a great year and I loved looking back at it Saturday at Spring Banquet! Have an awesome week and I hope to see you Wednesday! Your friend, Camdyn Ashcraft
Hello once again fellow CCSCers! I know finals are coming up soon, stress levels are rising, and homework is getting more intense, but we would love to have you de-stress this week with us! Here's what we've got going on: Small groups meet this week, so find out the when and where and go enjoy some fellowship and discussion! Midweek will be held at the CCSC building on Wednesday (4/25) at 7 p.m. Our friend Mark Hixson, also the youth minister at West Side, will be speaking! per usual, snacks will be set out and lattes are available for only a couple of bucks. The money gained from them will be put towards mission efforts. We are having a WORK DAY on Friday from 10:00-3:00 to spruce up the CCSC before the Spring Banquet. Let Krysta knowIf you would like to come help out. Lunch will be provided around noon-ish. Spring Banquet is this Saturday (4/28) at 6:00 p.m.! If you RSVP'd, come join us for a meal and honoring our graduating seniors! If you're a senior, come enjoy good fellowship and memories. The only thing we ask is that everyone stays to clean up afterwards. That would help us out SO MUCH! To add a personal note, I'm on duty this weekend, so your help would be MUCH appreciated! Before I mention our Sunday morning schedule, I need to mention dead day, or as Tech calls it, reading day. There will be FREE MEAL at noon consisting of awesome breakfast foods! There will also be pancakes available all day long (starting at 9:00 a.m.), so come enjoy some breakfast, brunch, and brinner! Class will meet at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning (4/29). Conner will be continuing his series on C.S Lewis' Mere Christianity. Afterwards, we will head across the street to West Side CoC for their worship service. Share groups will meet at the usual places at the usual times. The Todd and Davis group will be at the Davis' house after church. The Greer group will meet at Camp Caudle at 5:00 p.m. Thanks for tuning in to the CCSC! I hope everyone's week goes well and that the stress levels will keep to a minimum. See ya soon! Your friend, Camdyn Ashcraft "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." ~ Romans 3:22-24 Good Monday everyone! I hope everyone found this weekend to be rejuvenating! Here's what our week at the CCSC is going to look like: SMALL GROUPS are this week! Be sure to meet with your group sometime this week for some good fellowship and discussion. MIDWEEK will be held at the CCSC building at 7 p.m. this Wednesday (4/11). This week is the start of a new short series! You're not gonna want to miss Conner's teaching on a Jesus story! Per usual, snacks will be set out to eat and lattes will be available for a couple of bucks. I hope to see you there! Before I get to the last plan, I have a couple of announcements: Next Monday (4/16) at 5:30 p.m., meet us at Old Post park for a grill out and games! We will eat and play some team sports. There's a sand volleyball pit, soccer field, basketball court, and more, so bring a friend! The more the merrier! April 28th is our Spring Banquet, so if you are a senior, sign up for it ASAP! We want to honor you! Also, everyone is welcome to come for free! We just ask that you stay afterward and help us clean up. SUNDAY MORNING CLASS will be held Sunday (4/15) at 9 a.m., followed by West Side's worship service at 10 a.m. After worship, the Davis and Todd share group will meet at the Davis' house. The Greer share group will meet at Camp Caudle at 5 p.m. Thank you for tuning in! I hope to see y'all this week! Your friend, Camdyn Ashcraft "You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying. Do the best you can do everyday." ~ Jason Mraz What's up everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter weekend! Here's a sneak peek at our week:
The original plan for tonight (4/2) was to meet at Baztech at 5 p.m. for dinner and then head over to Turner at 6 p.m. to play volleyball. BUT, due to cold, rainy weather, we will meet at Baztech at 5:17 p.m. and head to Hull at 6:13 p.m. to play ball. There are conveniently located racquetball courts next to the basketball court, so bring a racket and balls if you opt to play racquetball. Wednesday (4/2) is noon meal day!!! Y'all don't even know how pumped I am! Noon meal is one of the greatest things ever! You get to come down the CCSC building to eat a free home-cooked meal and hang out with friends! There will be plenty of food to eat, so invite some other friends to join you! Also, a HUGE shoutout to Clarksville Church of Christ for hosting noon meal this week! Guys, they ROCK! They always hook us up really good! Later that night, at 7 p.m., join us for our weekly worship service. Jake is completing his Gods at War series, so you're not going to want to miss it! As usual, snacks will be set out to munch on, and lattes will be available to purchase for a couple of bucks. Before I get to the Sunday morning routine, I need to mention family weekend. That is this weekend, so the CCSC building will close at noon on Friday (4/6). Our Sunday morning (4/8) will follow the usual schedule, despite family weekend. Class at the Greer's house is at 9 a.m. and West Side worship service is at 10 a.m. Share groups will meet later that day at the Davis' house around noon and at Camp Caudle at 5 p.m. Also, if you are interested in being a part of making Midweek happen, sign the sheet in the back room. We would love to have you in our praise team, A/V booth, greeting team, or whatever else! (I know the praise team could use some tenors!) Once again, I appreciate your devotion and involvement with the CCSC. Thank you for checking in, and I hope to see you this week! Your friend, Camdyn Ashcraft |
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