As part of our “Discount Devotion” series this January, we’re encouraging our faith family to draw close to God more than you ever have before. Beginning January 10, join us in seeking more of God through the following 3 habits:
Pray DaILY
We believe that God moves when His people pray. Our first challenge to you during this 3 week period is to set aside at least 21 minutes a day to spend time alone with God in focused prayer. Maybe this is an extended part of your daily devotion; maybe this is a new habit that you’ve never tried before. Our hope is that this dedicated time with the Lord will bring you closer to Him this semester. What better time is there to start a new habit than now!!!
To help you pray, we’ve developed a brief guide with daily prayer prompts to give you a specific focus every day. You can download the guide here, sign up below for daily prompts to be texted to your phone, and visit our online prayer wall for the latest prayer requests from our church family.
To help you pray, we’ve developed a brief guide with daily prayer prompts to give you a specific focus every day. You can download the guide here, sign up below for daily prompts to be texted to your phone, and visit our online prayer wall for the latest prayer requests from our church family.
Fast Regularly
Fasting may be one of the most overlooked spiritual disciplines, but it’s an important practice both in scripture and in the history of the church that we want to challenge you to embrace in your own life over the next 3 weeks.
During the 21 Days of Devotion, commit to fast from solid food one day a week (if you’re medically able), and fast from something else in your life that’s important to you on a daily basis. For example, one may decide to fast from food for the next 3 Wednesdays, and fast from television every day for the next 21 days.
The goal of fasting is to recognize the moments you think about the thing you’re fasting from, and use them as a reminder to focus your attention on the Lord instead. Fasting is you saying to God, “I need more of You, not more of this other part of my life.” Replace the times you would normally eat with feasting on God’s Word. Jesus said, “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of the mouth of God.” When you get hungry, get into the Word until the Word gets into you.
During the 21 Days of Devotion, commit to fast from solid food one day a week (if you’re medically able), and fast from something else in your life that’s important to you on a daily basis. For example, one may decide to fast from food for the next 3 Wednesdays, and fast from television every day for the next 21 days.
The goal of fasting is to recognize the moments you think about the thing you’re fasting from, and use them as a reminder to focus your attention on the Lord instead. Fasting is you saying to God, “I need more of You, not more of this other part of my life.” Replace the times you would normally eat with feasting on God’s Word. Jesus said, “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of the mouth of God.” When you get hungry, get into the Word until the Word gets into you.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our most important source of truth and direction for life. For that reason, the final part of devotional practice over the next three weeks is to read the scriptures as a church family with a renewed focus and urgency.
As a resource during this special season at Long Hollow, Pastor Robby has created a 3-week reading plan that will take the reader through the entirety of the New Testament scriptures in just 21 days. It’s a call to dive into the scriptures more than any other point in your life, along with regular prayer and fasting. It’s a call to truly draw close to God.
As a resource during this special season at Long Hollow, Pastor Robby has created a 3-week reading plan that will take the reader through the entirety of the New Testament scriptures in just 21 days. It’s a call to dive into the scriptures more than any other point in your life, along with regular prayer and fasting. It’s a call to truly draw close to God.
Text “DEVOTION” to ?????
Send us a text message using the instructions above and we’ll send you daily prayer prompts during this three week focus as we seek the Lord together.
Church of Christ Student Center
209 West L Street
Russellville, AR 72801
(479) 968-2626
209 West L Street
Russellville, AR 72801
(479) 968-2626
Renew is a ministry of the West Side Church of Christ.